Sunday, June 03, 2007

Caga y vete

Albacete is one of the provinces that make up the Autonomous Community of Castilla La Mancha - Don Quijote country.

It's only 150kms from where we live now and Maggie may be interested in a job there so we went to have a cup of coffee.

Now Albacete is not an exciting place. The Blue Guide has it pretty much right when it says "A dull provincial capital in the centre of a flat, uninteresting, but fertile plain." I've been there three times and not been able to find anything much to do. The first and most memorable time a pal and I were there around Christmastime. A cold wind was whistling across that fertile plain and we spent the evening in a porn cinema as just about the only available refuge (an excuse that I've stuck to over the years).

Yesterday the sun was shining, we enjoyed a drink in a very pleasant bar with a literary theme, the set meal in the restaurant was passable, the tourist office person was pleasant enough and the shops and general ambience was nice. It was good too that as English speakers we seemed to have novelty value.

Oh and the porn cinema is now an arts cinema.

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