Sunday, July 06, 2008

Still booting

My bosses at RústicOriginal still run the car boot sale every Sunday at their out of town premises. I don't go very often but Maggie carefully explained to me that we were in urgent need of geraniums and that attendance was both desirable and necessary

It really has become a bit of a local institution - Brits by the bucket load of course but the Dutch, Germans, Moroccans, Ecuadorians, Ukranians and Spaniards are there both as buyers and sellers. This is a Spanish stall.

On being dead

We've never been invited to a Spanish funeral but we have seen plenty in passing. People don't dress up in suits and posh frocks; apparently Franco said that people had to wear clothes without colour - white, black or grey - and the reaction, after democracy returned, was to turn out in ordinary clothes. The mourners often clap when the casket is carried to the car for transport to the cemetery.

Cremation is a growing trend amongst Spaniards but, until recently, the Catholic Church was dead set against it. So it is still quite unusual to be cremated. Burial is the standard option.

People are buried in niches, a sort of dexion shelving system, horizontally and vertically ordered - the photo at the top left. The memorial stone that covers the access to the niche usually contains a picture of the person. Richer families buy a block of shelving set in a small mausoleum. Our local cemetery has recently installed a set of smaller shelves for people who want to inter the ashes of their friends and family in a dignified manner - thats the photo at top right.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

What a nice man

There is a dirt track, a couple of hundred metres long, to our house from the main, tarmac, road. Over the winter the rains have dug impressive cañons into the earth, some maybe 25cms deep. Ruts deep enough to make even modern car suspensions work pretty hard. Very joggly woggly.

Outside, now, the local farmer seems to have decided to grade the track. He only really uses the track when he's driving a tractor or some huge four wheel drive so he can only be doing this as a neigbourly gesture. Good stuff

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Step 2: The Town Hall

Yesterday morning Maggie and I took the architect's plan to the Town Hall. They have to give us the go-ahead for rebuilding the roof.

There is a little saying amongst the expats here; just one more piece of paper. And that's exactly what we needed. They wanted us to provide a Nota Simple, a document that shows that the house is free of all debt. I had to go back with it but, so far as we can tell, it's now just a wait for the Town Hall to send us the letter to say we can start. I have no idea what we could do if they were to turn us down

Sunday, June 29, 2008

No more phone home

Maggie turned up back in Culebrón yesterday afternoon. Back home for the summer. In time to recover and get comfy in front of the telly tonight to see Casillas and the boys go all the way in the footie.

She was keen to prove to herself that she was back in Alicante. She started with some wine (very little wine in Salamanca province, lots in Alicante) and we also popped down to paddle in the Med at Santa Pola (they make do with the River Agueda in Ciudad Rodrigo). Local sausage for tea tonight I suspect.

Step 1: The plans

It's quite a while since part of our roof fell in. We've talked to the insurance company about cover, we've applied for an "in principal" bank loan and I contracted a technical architect or aparejador to draw up some plans for the new roof. We paid 2,200€ for the plans with "VAT" at 16% on top. With the plans we can apply to the local Town Hall for planning permission and once they give the go ahead (and take the approx 300€ for their time) then the builders can actually start work. I have this horrid feeling that the work will get the go ahead just in time for the four week shutdown of the whole of Spain through August!

I read the plans this morning. The technical architect acts as a sort of foreman for the work. At each key stage he pops along to check that things are made from the right materials, put together properly etc. The thing that amused me was the Health and Safety section of the plans. It was as exhaustive as anything I've seen in the UK. Everything from hard hats, steel capped boots and first aid kits through disposal of the waste to the dimensions and construction of the scaffolding. But I know that when the blokes turn up to knock the roof down they'll borrow our ladders and, wearing shorts, they'll set about the roof with a lump hammer. Never mind, the contract says that any accidents during the work have nothing to do with us!

Monday, June 23, 2008

San Juan

The festival of San Juan is associated with midsummer and fire. In Alicante neighbourhood communities band together to employ craftspeople to build sculptures made from papier maché and other flamable materials which are set on fire to on the night of the 23/24 June.

Someone told me they will be burning about 18 million euros worth of sculptures this year. The fiesta starts a few days before.

John Moore and I went to Alicante to get a beer and to see what they were up to. Apart from hordes of people heading every which way we saw a parade as part of the "floral offering". The end of the procession for each person involves walking in one end of the Cathedral and out of the other and, as they do so, they hand over their flowers to a team of blokes who place them on a frame. The frame has a sort of pyramidal shape which,I think, ends up as a representation of the Virgin Mary - the colour of the flowers that each person carries is carefully orchestrated to provide the necessary colours for the final design.

Maggie phoned to say that her San Juan had been a bit different. As she was strolling home she realised that the local fire station was having an open day - the patron saint of firefighters, logically enough, is San Juan. She was offered the opportunity to slide down the pole but she politely declined!

Mind you, as I remember it, for the festival of San Juan in Santa Pola unmarried virgins have to wade into the sea and successfully leap nine simultaneous waves to capture a husband who will help them make a baby. I understand there are fewer and fewer participants each year.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

In training

The national pastime for old men in Spain is to sit in the shade and natter. You can just make out a small lad sitting between two old chaps in this snap. Best to start the training young I suppose.

Apologies for the snap. I once read in a photography magazine that there are two ways to take a candid photo. You either sneak the picture somehow or you look fierce, as though you and the camera toughed it out in the last few days of Dien Bien Phu. I've never been to Vietnam hence the dodgy picture.

Summer at last

This was the sky over Culebrón today. Not a cloud, no rain, 30ºC. Miracle.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Until recently I went to a Spanish class at the local college. Every now and again we were given homework to write a short piece about something or other.

Somewhere else in this Blog are a couple of posts about the Adult Education Days where students from the various adult classes in the area come together and wander around the host town. As a part of those days the colleges club together and produce a little book.

One of my homework essays was printed as a part of that book so I can now claim to have been published in two languages as I had a couple of articles in MG magazines back in the UK and now this. Polyglot or what?

The big advantage is that most of you won't be able to read the drivel but, nonetheless, here it is:

Así es la Vida

Al chico nunca le gustaban los estudios pero era muy trabajador y durante su carrera universitaria, más o menos, vivía en las aulas y biblioteca de la universidad. Cada día solía estudiar hiciera sol o lloviera Quería sacar buenas notas, buscar un buen trabajo, llegar a ser rico y casarse con una chica guapa.

Un martes se encontró con una chica al otro lado de la estantería en la biblioteca de la universidad. Empezaron a hablar. Chismorrearon. Ligaron. Ella fingió timidez y él ser hombre del mundo.

El noviazgo no duró ni siquiera unos días. Cenaron en un restaurante de lujo debajo de la luna bebieron un lago de vino y coñac. Fue suficiente. El hombre la pidió matrimonio. Ella estaba un poco borracha; dijo sí.

Antes de tres semanas se presentaron en el altar de la iglesia parroquial. Él llevaba un traje y corbata prestado de su hermano. Ella parecía un merengue en un vestido hecho por su abuela. Se enlazaron.

Echaron un polvo un par de veces; eran jóvenes y aun no tenían muchos quehaceres en la casa y no había nada por la telé. De pronto llegaron los niños. ¡Tuvieron suerte y vinieron dos – los gemelos - ¡qué bendición! La pareja estaba muy contenta.

El varón intentó ser un buen marido - desempeñó su papel de nuevo hombre con gusto – cuidaba de los niños, barría el suelo y llevaba zapatillas para evitar traer el polvo de la calle a casa.

Los dos trabajaban muchas horas cada día, tenían que contratar a una niñera, nunca jugaban con los niños. Aunque la pareja llegó a ser más rica, y más bien vestida empezaron a discutir. Ya padecían la deuda de un pequeño país, tenían bastantes quehaceres en la casa y demasiado trabajo en la oficina, y no les quedaba suficiente tiempo, o deseo, para cuidarse, mimarse o hacer el amor de vez en cuando.

Un día la mujer se compró una ropa muy rara, un billete de avión al Caribe y se despidió de su marido y los gemelos con una sonrisa y un saludo con la mano

El hombre volvió a trabajar y, sentado en su sillón de ejecutivo empezó a buscar por Internet – necesitaba encontrar a una nueva mujer para cuidar de su casa, de los niños y de él.

Christopher Thompson
Castellano para extranjeros II

I have to say that I preferred lots of the others so, I thought, as I'm being even more self indulgent than usual, that I'd print one I liked here.

Una parada en Castilla la Mancha

Son las cuatro de la mañana. El autocar está aparcado fuera de una estación de servicio cerca de Albacete. La cafetería tiene un olor leve de vomito y lejía y está, más o menos desierta - hay una mujer en la caja, un hombre con una escoba y nosotros.

El hombre que estaba sentado a mi lado en el autobús podía ser etíope o somalí – tiene el aspecto de ser de aquella parte de África - pero como no habla ni castellano ni inglés nunca lo sabré. Hay marroquíes también – muchos marroquíes – y latinoamericanos, la mayoría ecuatorianos. En Albacete un hombre con gena en la barba y una de estas camisas largas, llevando el obligatorio chaleco de poliéster, bajó del autobús y desapareció en la noche. Y, por supuesto, hay unos españoles. Pero nadie me parece rico. De hecho la mayoría tiene un aspecto de pobreza - desaliñados y cansados. Como la regordeta que lleva los pantalones negros de esquiar, muy ajustados, tacones altos y complementos amarillos. Uno conjunto que grita “puesto de mercadillo”.

Por lo menos cuatro continentes – deriva continental.

Y yo, estoy aquí también, un mileurista, perdido en un país extranjero, otro inmigrante, los pobres que luchan para perdurar. A las cuatro de la madrugada en el autobús con rumbo a Madrid.